Monday, April 13, 2009

The Deal is Near

waiting anxiously, on my desktop hoping for another email to pop in. uterraly waiting for a response. there it was. and it read:
Hola Lupita:

Pronto estare llamandote para hablar sobre lo economico, tu hermana, estadía, etc.

Gracias por el video.

Manuel "Piry" Vega

This was some sort a relief to me. my chances of going were becoming greater but i still had that feeling inside that this wasn't a done deal. i have more to do, and i was right. i need to get ready for the time of my life.

This was a ongoing process, and it wasn't easy. many things have taken place during the time of deciding to go to puerto rico and sometimes it felt this was going nowhere. at times i felt as if my own family didn't support me , but without it, i was going to stand alone. They came through.

More was invested, and now im waiting for it to pay off, in the biggest way. i have ideas how to make this big, more than what it should be. but hey during economic crisis, you have to be smart!

my purpose isn't fame. if this can help spark an interest to those young athletes, then we can help make softball a popular sport.

If we do, Softball might be back into the olympics!